The people who created this country built a moral structure around money. The Puritan legacy inhibited luxury and self-indulgence. Benjamin Franklin spread a practical gospel that emphasized hard work, temperance and frugality. Millions of parents, preachers, newspaper editors and teachers expounded the message. The result was quite remarkable.
The United States has been an affluent nation since its founding. But the country was, by and large, not corrupted by wealth. For centuries, it remained industrious, ambitious and frugal.
Over the past 30 years, much of that has been shredded. The social norms and institutions that encouraged frugality and spending what you earn have been undermined. The institutions that encourage debt and living for the moment have been strengthened. The country’s moral guardians are forever looking for decadence out of Hollywood and reality TV. But the most rampant decadence today is financial decadence, the trampling of decent norms about how to use and harness money.
Sixty-two scholars have signed on to a report by the Institute for American Values and other think tanks called, “For a New Thrift: Confronting the Debt Culture,” examining the results of all this. This may be damning with faint praise, but it’s one of the most important think-tank reports you’ll read this year.
By Richard B. Wagner, JD, CFP®
I recommend you read both the article and the report. They each represent good work and they will help you understand what is happening.
Natalie Wagner Willis: Thanks for joining us on today’s, What is Finology? podcast. Our guest today is lawyer and seasoned financial planner, Dick Vodra an expert in what he calls Worldview Two which is the state of the world after climate change has taken hold. The questions are, will money mean then what it means
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Podcast CommentaryThis is a continuation of Natalie’s conversation with Gayle about incorporating the body in our money decisions.“…this is why it’s so important that we have our own power, our own sovereignty when we fully inhabit our body.” ~Gayle Colman, WiF? Do you feel confident in your own power? Do you wish you did more? If so,
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Yes, I’m starting this Finology in Our Lives series with a fair amount of complex philosophy – but stay with me! These ideas are fundamental to Finology & our work at What is Finology?, and they might expand your understanding of money in our lives. Don’t worry, I’ll bring it back. Up next is an analysis of
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Eyes Bloodshot, Doctors Vent Their Discontent By SANDEEP JAUHAR, M.D. Published: June 17, 2008 “I love being a doctor but I hate practicing medicine,” a friend, Saeed Siddiqui, told me recently. Doctors are working harder and faster to maintain income, even as staff salaries and costs of living continue to increase. Some have resorted
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