Beyond the Numbers of College Funding with Dave Bowman, CFP®, CCFC
December 15th from 1-3pm MT
Finology Virtual Platform
If you haven’t already, please consider the bold step of joining What is Finology? as a member!
Starting at just $7/mo, it’s the best way to support the advancement of Finology. It is also a way to show your colleagues, prospects, and clients that they are working a professional who prioritizes the Humanity in Money.
1.5 CFP® CE Hours
Dave Bowman, CFP®, CCFC
Beyond the Numbers of College Funding
Financial guidance is seldom about only numbers. This is especially true when clients and whole families are trying to navigate sending their young adults off to college.
Join us to learn about they myths and emotions surrounding this under-discussed investment, and how to have more impactful and meaningful college planning discussions.
Expect to:
- Explore your own beliefs, biases, and feelings about college funding
- Learn the little-known foundational principals of today’s college-funding landscape
- Discuss common college-funding myths and beliefs and their emotional components, as well as how to navigate them with clients
- Learn questions and approaches to a great college planning discussion with clients that builds trust, reduces stress, and sets the stage for a great college funding plan
- Understand the critical steps to navigating the emotions of college planning, the timeline of psychological stages, and the technical touchstones to guide parents to be the hero for their kids
About Dave
Dave Bowman, CFP®, CCFC, founder of College Aid Pro, is on a mission to change how America shops for college.
In addition to his extensive experience in navigating the world of college funding, Dave has a natural awareness of what’s going on for people on that personal, human level. Natalie asked him to do this session because he’ll shine a light on the tender human pieces at play when a family is making one of the biggest personal and financial decisions of our lives.

Join Us!
1.5 CFP® CE Hours
Dave Bowman, CFP®, CCFC | Beyond the Numbers of College Funding
December 15th, 2022
from 12:00 – 2:00 PT // 1:00 – 3:00pm MT // 2:00 – 4:00pm CT // 3:00 – 5:00pm ET
- 15 mins — Opening Circle and Money Meditation
- 80 mins — Presentation on a new perspective of college funding from David Bowman, CFP®, CCFC
- 10 mins — 1:1 Conversations to explore the topic
- 15 mins — Integration and Harvest
Note: There will be an optional happy hour from 3-330p MT to connect with fellow Finologists!
What to Expect
About our How to Be a Finologist | Skills for the Humanity in Money© virtual education forums:
Our Finology Forum will be a curated, intimate experience designed to connect you with deep thinking, deep hearted, like-minded peers and meaningful professional & personal development capable of brining priceless value to your Prospects and Clients.
We’ll welcome you to the space with one of Natalie’s signature Money Breath Meditations and use storytelling, conversation, and experience to bring our Finology Educator’s content to life. Our forum will finish with both a 1:1 and group harvest to pull the experience together and ensure you have a tangible action step(s) to take back to your practice.
About Finology
“Economies are not machines and money contains the stuff of our souls…we must learn to talk about money with new language,” ~Richard (Dick) Wagner, JD, CFP®, Father of Finology, Financial Planning 3.0, p. 234.
Finology answers this call!
Finology is:
- The study of our Human Connections with Money, Value and Reciprocity
- The umbrella term for all the various aspects of our personal relationships with money and exchange) is the legacy of the wisdom and insights of R. (Dick) Wagner. It is the foundation of new language revolutionizing how we understand and relate with money.
$100 means something different to every person, and in fact different to same person in different context (think birthday money to paycheck money). There are infinite variations of money’s meaning, and all of them are connected to our personal connections to the values and exchanges at play.
Finology is a space where we orbit our money conversations around our Human Connections with the dynamics at play. This is the space where we create money’s meaning on a personal level and it’s from here that we make money decisions.
To do well with money, we need to do well in this space.
Money touches everything. Doing well with it is fundamental to doing well.
About the What is Finology? Project
Our work is to make the world a better place by helping people live well with money.
Our process is to Explore | Educate | Evolve.
- Explore our personal relationships and human connections to money as a Project and through the contributions of our Member Finologists and our Finology Fellows.
- Educate Financial Professionals through our Finology Forums and other events, bringing Finology to clients & society and expanding Finology as a field.
- Evolve personal and social understandings and relationships with money through deeper understandings of money and the human experience. We're making the world a better place through the positive evolution of what money can bring to all it touches (everything).
How Financial Planners benefit by being part of the Finology conversation
Why do people hire a Financial Planner?
“[A financial planner’s] worth is in our wisdom and insights, including our own intimate understandings of money and its powers,” (Richard Wagner, JD, CFP®, & founding father of Finology, Financial Planning 3.0, p. 30).
This educational platform of The What is Finology? project is all about Money and your Human Skills. When we strip money down to simply the numbers, we strip the humanity out of it! But that’s not what it’s like for our clients, or in real life. In reality, $100 means something different to you than it does to each of your clients than it does to me than it does to anyone else!
If someone is simply looking for the numbers, fine, there are lots of services for that. But if someone is coming to you, they’re looking for more. They’re looking for an understanding of value and meaning that goes beyond the numbers. They’re looking to be seen as a person first and for their money to be viewed in this light. Your abilities to serve clients in these ways are all about your Skills for the Humanity in Money©!
About Finology
“Economies are not machines and money contains the stuff of our souls…we must learn to talk about money with new language,” ~Richard (Dick) Wagner, JD, CFP®, Father of Finology, Financial Planning 3.0, p. 234.
Finology answers this call!
Finology is:
- The study of our Human Connections with Money, Value and Reciprocity
- The umbrella term for all the various aspects of our personal relationships with money and exchange) is the legacy of the wisdom and insights of R. (Dick) Wagner. It is the foundation of new language revolutionizing how we understand and relate with money.
$100 means something different to every person, and in fact different to same person in different context (think birthday money to paycheck money). There are infinite variations of money’s meaning, and all of them are connected to our personal connections to the values and exchanges at play.
Finology is a space where we orbit our money conversations around our Human Connections with the dynamics at play. This is the space where we create money’s meaning on a personal level and it’s from here that we make money decisions.
To do well with money, we need to do well in this space.
Money touches everything. Doing well with it is fundamental to doing well.
About the What is Finology? Project
Our work is to make the world a better place by helping people live well with money.
Our process is to Explore | Educate | Evolve.
- Explore our personal relationships and human connections to money as a Project and through the contributions of our Member Finologists and our Finology Fellows.
- Educate Financial Professionals through our Finology Forums and other events, bringing Finology to clients & society and expanding Finology as a field.
- Evolve personal and social understandings and relationships with money through deeper understandings of money and the human experience. We're making the world a better place through the positive evolution of what money can bring to all it touches (everything).
How Financial Planners benefit by being part of the Finology conversation
Why do people hire a Financial Planner?
“[A financial planner’s] worth is in our wisdom and insights, including our own intimate understandings of money and its powers,” (Richard Wagner, JD, CFP®, & founding father of Finology, Financial Planning 3.0, p. 30).
This educational platform of The What is Finology? project is all about Money and your Human Skills. When we strip money down to simply the numbers, we strip the humanity out of it! But that’s not what it’s like for our clients, or in real life. In reality, $100 means something different to you than it does to each of your clients than it does to me than it does to anyone else!
If someone is simply looking for the numbers, fine, there are lots of services for that. But if someone is coming to you, they’re looking for more. They’re looking for an understanding of value and meaning that goes beyond the numbers. They’re looking to be seen as a person first and for their money to be viewed in this light. Your abilities to serve clients in these ways are all about your Skills for the Humanity in Money©!
- The What is Finology? project and this education platform are inspired in part by the Nazrudin Project — its idiosyncratic nature, loving and sophisticated community, plus its agile and profound structure. The work we do and the experiences we have through Nazrudin reach the depths of participants, changing our way of Being — with money, clients, and life.
- Our intentions are that What is Finology? Project and our How to Be a Finologist education forums extend and echo the Nazrudin spirit, journey, depth of personal connection.
- All sessions will be recorded and available for later listening. Conversations in the Lounge will not be recorded.