Skills for the Humanity in Money
“Economies are not machines and money contains the stuff of our souls…we must learn to talk about money with new language,”
~Richard (Dick) Wagner, JD, CFP®
“Economies are not machines and money contains the stuff of our souls…we must learn to talk about money with new language,”
~Richard (Dick) Wagner, JD, CFP®
The Finology Project answers the call
to make the world a better place by positively impacting everything that money touches through positively impacting our relationships with money.
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Finology in our Lives | Larry Jessoe
Let's talk about this week's quote that came from an unexpected source in our marketing/business development world. Explore | Educate | Evolve Our friend, Dennis Yu posted this from his mentor. We think it's some good business advice that is worth thinking about a little deeper. Inspiration can come from
Finology [fīn·ol·o·gy]
1 a: Academically, we define Finology as “the umbrella term for the various aspects of our personal relationships with money”
(R. Wagner, Financial Planning 3.0, p.15).
1 b: the study of how we exchange value and the relationship human beings have with money
- The study of the relationships between human beings and money.
- The study of minds, brains, customs and behaviors with respect to money and the money forces.
- The theories or systems of Finology.
2: Finology was created to address the profound and personal nature of money’s role our modern lives.
Finology opens new frontiers for exploring, interpreting and understanding our relationships with money.
We need to cultivate health in our relationship with money and to use money to help navigate life with grace.
What is Finology all About?
Financial Planning 3.0
1: The study of how financial planning affects and changes culture and society.
2: The study of how financial planners and the financial planning profession affects and changes culture and society.
3: Financial planning professionals internalized understanding of the highest aspirations for the potential of the profession.